Intelligent Protection International opens new Paris Offices
“Serving our Clients in Paris and across France”
by Virginie Roux | 19th May 2017

Armed Bodyguards in France?
It gives Intelligent Protection International Limited great pleasure to announce that we have successfully been granted Conseil National des Activités Privées de Sécurité (CNAPS) status, as a company in France.
Our new Paris Offices are situated in the heart of Paris on the Champs-Elysées. This new Paris office is in addition to our offices in London, Geneva and Kuala Lumpur. Company CEO, Mr Alex Bomberg, had this to say “After six months of extremely hard work and a significant financial investment, this achievement has enabled us to be the only British company to be licensed for Close Protection activities in France. This now enables us to carry out the next stage of our project to recruit French former military and police and to expand into other French speaking countries.”
The Managing Director of Intelligent Protection International, “This very exciting news puts us in a very different category from the rest of sector’s competition and really underpins our international status to legally provide Close Protection Services in France.”
“It’s a truly exciting time to be involved at the Group and I’d like to extend my gratitude to all of the team who worked tirelessly on this project.”
For the company, it is a real statement of intent, not only for the business to establish a significant footprint in France but also to create many opportunities for French nationals in this line of work. Already, Intelligent Protection International has had enquires for their Close Protection services and this looks like a trend that’s only set to continue and go from strength to strength from here on in.
The company has had an immense amount of support along the way, not only from our trusted and loyal team but also from many of our peers, some of who are already actively steering all their enquires for France our way.
Carrying firearms in France
The Law in France with regard to Private Security Officers carrying firearms is changing. At present (May 2017), the new law has been passed but not published and this is causing some confusion within the international security industry. Some firearms arming licenses have been granted but these are, as we understand, static security tasks and not related to Close Protection activities. As soon as things are more clear, we will publish news on this. An official statement was published on the CNAPS website on the 9th of May 2017 and says:
“Law No. 2017-258 of 28 February 2017 on public security provides for the possibility of arming the agents of physical protection of persons and creates the category of armed security officer.”
“The decree of application of the law and the decrees defining the content of the formations have not been published. Training authorizations have not yet been issued to training organizations.”
“Law No. 2017-258 of 28 February 2017 on public security provides for the possibility of arming the agents of physical protection of persons and creates the category of armed security officer.”
“The decree of application of the law and the decrees defining the content of the formations have not been published. Training authorizations have not yet been issued to training organizations.”
“Armament training carried out at this stage will not be admissible for obtaining a professional card as an armed security agent or a physical protection agent for persons.”
Intelligent Protection International Limited
Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées
75008, Paris