Royal Bodyguards
“The pinnacle of Executive Protection Services”
by Alex Bomberg | 30th December 2017

Intelligent Protection International Limited started providing Royalty Protection Services a number of years ago, and we pride ourselves in providing a very high-level of service that fits well with most Royal lifestyles.
Royalty Protection is the pinnacle of any Executive Protection Service and the British modus operandi of quiet and confident, style and etiquette will rival hands down the Hollywood approach of ‘throwing big men at it’ every time. The highest level of Royalty Protection has no room for vulgarity or overstated opulence, but requires a measured, joined up approach that does not detract, but that adds value.
Providing an international Royalty Protection Service was never going to be easy. Liaising with outside agencies, dealing with certifications and licensing brings international lawyers, notary translations and many meetings.
Most Royal Protection involved having armed Bodyguards and whilst it is not possible to have armed Close Protection in some countries, it is still possible for firms to provide a level of Royalty Protection that in some areas exceeds that afforded to the British Royal Family.
What is the cost of Royal Protection?
Be warned if you think most A-List celebrities can afford this level of service, because, starting at around £15,000 per day, it is out of reach for most. Most serious users of Executive Protection will find a more suited solution for around £2000-£3000 per day.
The cost of Royalty Protection with all its ‘bells and whistles’, whilst not at all cheap, does offer a wide-ranging solution with supporting services such as Security Trained Chauffeurs, Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM), an Intelligence Cell, and of course a whole host of technical aids to secure the Royal Residences and the management of online reputations.
Most modern Royals perceive threat very differently; the threats are less robed assassins and more invasions of privacy, members of the public with mental health issues, or a lone attacker acting on some religious ideology. It’s the understanding of each of these threats and knowing how to counter these threats, that is the real difference in having ‘Bodyguards’ and having an intelligence-led Royalty Protection Service.

Most people’s perception of Royalty Protection is perhaps something quite static and restrictive, whereby, most modern Royals travel a fair bit, for both private and state business; this of course does pose not only security concerns that have to be mitigated, but poor logistics can very soon become major security risks if a joined-up approach is not taken.
When looking at British Royalty Protection, you would never see the Queen surrounded by ten large men dressed in black, wearing sunglasses talking into their sleeves! No, Royalty Protection is highly sophisticated, slick, unobtrusive and for the most part, covert.
“Presume = to suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability…”
Never presume anything or second guess. Royal Protection runs on fact and attention to detail, everything has to be ‘just so’ and look effortless!
Providing the best possible Royalty Protection Service cannot be done without the help and assistance of others. The Royal Household Staff are a very, very important part of the equation - there can be no ‘us and them’ approach.
At all times and not only during travel, communication is very important within the Royal Household, every member of household staff has their own area of expertise, a well-oiled machine where mutual respect and understanding is a must.
The Royal Household does not like to find itself leaving the responsibility for anything at the hands of others! One prime example of this is while staying at hotels, a great deal of diplomatic liaison is required to make everything come together seamlessly.
“Etiquette = the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.”
Etiquette, the understanding of Royal Protocol and knowing how Royal Households work, is the key to our Royalty Protection Service. Many competitors lose site of the fact that Close Protection is a service industry and while the focus is of course personal security, there must always be a level of ‘service’ that will include ‘brand management’ when working at the highest levels.
If you are interested in discussing with us any requirement that you might have regarding our Royalty Protection Services, please do get in touch.
Intelligent Protection International Limited has several regional and international offices to aid our clients; however, all Royalty Protection enquiries are dealt with via our Head Office in the United Kingdom. if you are interested in discussing these services with us, please see: Royalty Protection Services or contact us via: [email protected]